"Photography has a long traditions of gentlemen-photographers who don't depend on their art for a living" says Jaap V. on his website (www.jaapvphotography.eu)."
The editor of the photography magazine RAW has suggested that technical aspects of photography have become more straightforward over the past years, and that it is easier to improve the quality of photographs. By extensions he says, this has produced a new type of photographer: the professional amateur, whose photo's are of professional quality but who does not depend on them to earn a living (Robert Theunisen in RAW Fotomagazine, nr.1, 2012. p. 7).
I consider myself part of this old - and yet new - tradition.
Over the years, my photography hobby has required considerable investments in various pieces of equipment as well as time. At the same time, it is a hobby, that has provided me with a great measure of satisfaction and relaxation alongside a hectic job.
Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you will enjoy looking at my photographs.